Friday 10/15 – School Closed
Wednesday 10/27 M/W – 2s Halloween Celebration
Thursday 10/28 T/TH – 2s Halloween Celebration
Friday 10/29 – Halloween Celebration 3s and 4s


Friday 11/19 – Parent Conferences (School Closed)
Wednesday 11/24 – Friday 11/26 – Thanksgiving Holiday (School Closed)



Mrs. G. & Mrs. Obaker

What a difference a month makes. Your little ones are doing great! We are so proud of what they have already accomplished. This month is going to be very exciting. We are looking forward to fall finally making an appearance! Cooler air and the leaves are changing color. We will begin October by talking about owls. Singing songs, reading owl stories, and making owl biscuits. With Halloween approaching, the children will paint bats using marbles. We will make delicious bat cookies. Then onto making ghosts. Believe it or not, the children will use their feet to paint the ghosts! And of course, they will enjoy their Trick or Treat bags and witches’ hats made from crescent rolls. More information will be provided about sending in some goodies for our Halloween bags and details about the class celebration.


Mrs. Brown & Mrs. Musci

Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Musci’s students are embracing fall and the season’s gifts this month! From apples and pumpkins to Halloween fun, we will be busy exploring. We will start off the month learning about how apples grow, using the fruit for more than just food! It will help us learn about sinking and floating, our senses, and making art. Pumpkins are for more than just carving, and we will be learning the parts of a pumpkin and making classroom decorations. We will be taking advantage of the season with nature “walks” and leaf collages. Stay tuned for more specific information about our class’s Halloween party as we get closer to the end of the month. Check out the Class Tag updates for more details about our learning from day to day.


Mrs. Bosher & Mrs. Pawlak

We had so much fun in Mrs. Bosher and Mrs. Pawlak’s class learning about friendship & feelings during the month of September. The first week, we will start talking about fall. We will take a walk to collect leaves which will be used to do leaf rubbings. Next second week, is all about apples! Activities include taste testing, stamping and a name recognition craft. After that we will move onto many fun activities with pumpkins and all things spooky in preparation for Halloween. If you do not see crafts coming home, it is because we are using them to decorate our classroom for the holiday. Happy Fall!


Mrs. Pullias & Mrs. Joyce

October finds Mrs. Pullias’ class off to a great start as we learn about safety, police officers, and firefighters. We will then “jump” into fall and explore the wonderful changes that occur during this beautiful season. Our “Amazing Alphabet Adventure” is moving right along as we have been learning about the letters in our names and our friends’ names and made a list of vocabulary words to go with our Safety and then our Fall theme. This week we are highlighting the letter “A” and starting our two alphabet books! We will end our month of fun with our “Spooktacular” Halloween celebration on October 29th. We are also happy to welcome Mrs. Shannon Joyce as a new assistant in our classroom. She fit right in from her first day and is wonderful with the children. We are having so much fun in our classroom and enjoying every minute with your children. They love to learn
and are a joy to teach! Happy Fall everyone!


Mrs. Howe & Mrs. Powell

Mrs. Howe and Mrs. Powell are having so much fun learning about your children. We cannot believe that it is already October! We will begin the month talking about apples. October is Fire Safety Month so for the second week, we will be learning about basic fire safety including learning about 911. The last 2 weeks will be all about pumpkins and Halloween. It is such a fun holiday, and we cannot wait to celebrate with our class. Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your very special children’s lives!


Thank you for your support as your children have adjusted to their new routine. I did want to mention a few items about Halloween. Each is just discovering who he/she is and now we want them to dress up as someone or something else. In each of the classes, we will continue to emphasize that Halloween is just pretend. Your child is more than welcome to wear their Halloween costume to school – look for more information on each class’s specific plans. Please send in a change of clothes that day as most of the children shed their costumes within an hour.

As the weather starts to get colder, please send in a new change of clothing (winter) to keep in your child’s cubby. Runny noses are making the masks wet so it would also be helpful if you sent in extra masks. Some families have sent in several of the disposable ones. These are helpful since some children are changing his/her masks several times a day since they are so wet.

Thank you for being extra cautious and respectful by keeping your child home when they are not feeling well. Even though we take temperatures in the morning, I would suggest you take your child’s temperature at home before school, just as an added precaution. As always thank you for all your support and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.