About Us
Dulaney Day Preschool is a Maryland State accredited program. All the teachers on staff have a four-year college degree and the Maryland Board of Education has approved our curriculum at each age level.
Program Goals
Our school is focused on furthering the educational and social needs of young children in an atmosphere that is creative, safe and happy. We believe the years between two and six are the most important for the emotional, social, physical and intellectual development of your child. Therefore, we are concerned with helping and guiding your child to:
- Increase and extend his/her ability
- Learn and express feelings and communicate in acceptable ways
- Become an effective member of a peer group
- Work cooperatively with peers while learning to protect his/her own rights
- Explore and experience new media of self expression through art, music, drama, physical education and language
- Learn a “little bit” about a “lot of things,” thus constantly stimulating curiosity
- Attempt new undertakings while building self confidence by eliminating the anxiety of being right or wrong
We recognize the importance of developing skills for reading. It is our conviction that these skills are nurtured best by an emphasis on a healthy orientation to school, to learning and to one’s growth. For that reason your child’s total development is our main concern at Dulaney Day Preschool.
Register your child for the upcoming school year at Dulaney Day Preschool to ensure he or she receives all the needed tools for a successful beginning to school.

6915 York Road, Baltimore, MD 21212
(410) 377-2702 • mrsg@dulaneydayschool.com