
Wednesday, May 22 – Last day of school M/W 2s

Thursday, May 23 – Last day of school – T/Th 2s

Friday, May 24 – Last day of school 3s & 4s

                      – 4s Graduation Celebration

            – 3s End of Year Picnic

Tuesday, May 28 – Dulaney Day Extended Camp – begins at 9:30



Mrs. G. & Mrs. Obaker

Mrs. Obaker and I cannot believe our year is coming to an end. It seems like yesterday your little ones entered our classroom shy, hesitant, and sometimes teary. It has been a joy watching them blossom throughout the year. It has been exciting to watch friendships form and skills develop. Your children are sweet, funny, and talented. It has been a pleasure working with them. The fun is not quite over though! We will wrap up the year by making Mother’s Day gifts and beginning our ocean unit. This is always a class favorite. They love to learn about the different sea life creatures! As always, thank you for sharing your children with us!


Mrs. Brown & Mrs. Musci

It’s so hard to believe that we are in our last month of school! After we finish up our unit on creepy crawly bugs, we’ll be learning about dinosaurs! We’ll do some math and measuring skills comparing a T-Rex’s footprint to our own, “dig” for dino bones, and learn more about the difference between carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. Our last week of school will be a spirit week of sorts with “Messy Monday,” “Wacky Wednesday,” and “Farewell Friday!” More details about this will be shared through ClassTag. We have had an amazing school year with your little ones, and we wish you all the best for a fun-filled summer! Until next year!


Mrs. Bosher & Mrs. Pawlak

We made it! There are so many things planned for the last month of the school year. May starts with Pete the Cat/ Book Appreciation Week. Each student will have the opportunity to bring in his/her favorite book and share it with the class. will also work on a special project! During the last three weeks of the school year, we will concentrate on all things warm weather related. The five senses will come into play when we talk about summer. This will transition into a Beach Ocean unit. The students will have an opportunity to count, sort, trace and craft their way into summer vacation! We will have a class picnic on the last day of school, May 24th. I will send more details soon!



Mrs. Howe & Mrs. Powell

With spring fully in bloom, we’re moving on to the wonderful changes that occur during this beautiful season! From seed to flower and caterpillar to butterfly, we will explore and discuss how things change and grow. We’ll also observe the Spring weather and see if April showers really do bring May flowers! Of course, we will read, The Very Hungry Caterpillar and use the book as a basis for many fun activities, including making our own caterpillar snack! We are also going to have fun looking at pictures and creating sentences to describe what we see! This season lends itself to many beautiful arts and craft projects, so we will indeed be very busy this month!


I want to thank all of you for trusting us with your children. This year was a success because of our wonderful families and staff! I am so grateful for your support and faith in us during this school year!     

Every member of our community is a gift. Whether our students, faculty members or families have been here for one year or ten, it is never easy for us to say good-bye. We always wish we had just one more year together. So, for now, let’s leave it at, “See you soon!”

We still have a few openings in our 3s class for next year. Please pass along to any friends and family that may still be looking.


Happy summer from all of us at Dulaney Day Preschool!