
Week of the 1st Third Trimester Tuition Due

Tuesday, 3/19 – Picture DayT/Th 2s & 4s

Wednesday, 3/20 – Picture Day – M/W 2s & 3s

Friday, 3/22 – 4/2 Spring Break begins at the end of the day (no extended day)



Tuesday, Apr 2 – End of Spring break – School resumes

Friday, Apr 12 – School Closed – Parent/Teacher Conferences

Monday, Apr 8 – Apr 12 – Scholastic Book Fair

Wednesday, Apr 24 – Field Trip – Cromwell Valley – 3s & 4s




Mrs. G. & Mrs. Obaker

We feel lucky to be with such a wonderful group of children and their families!  In preparation for St. Patrick’s Day, we will make shamrocks by marble painting and bake shamrock biscuits. Then we will discuss the colors of the rainbow to make our Pot of Gold. Finally, Spring will be in the air in our room with eggs, chicks, and bunnies! We hope that everyone will have an enjoyable spring break!


Mrs. Brown & Mrs. Musci

This month starts with the end of our community helpers unit after a special visit from the fire department at the end of February. In addition, we’ll be learning about doctors, dentists, and veterinarians. As a part of opening our own Dulaney Day vet clinic, please send your child to school with a stuffy of their choice on Wednesday, March 6th. Then, as a fun way to celebrate the end of that unit, your child can come to school dressed as what they want to be when they grow up on Friday, March 8th. Please see the ClassTag announcements for more details about these special activities. Mid-month, we’ll celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with rainbow and color science. At the end of the month, we’ll welcome the official start to spring, learning about weather changes and seasonal differences. We hope you have a wonderful, fun-filled spring break!


Mrs. Bosher & Mrs. Pawlak

We cannot believe March is here already. We have been having so much fun learning about Community Helpers and all the fun jobs that they do!

We will regroup the following week with a unit on all things rainbow and lucky to prepare for St. Patrick’s Day. Then we will learn about the signs of spring and begin a unit on plants. Your children will learn about the parts of a plant and the life cycle of plants. They will also learn about what plants need to grow. The class will get to practice delayed gratification while we wait for our own plants to grow. So exciting!!



Mrs. Howe & Mrs. Powell

March is here! This year has really been moving very fast despite the craziness. The first week of March brings us Dr. Suess’ birthday and we will be reading many of his books during the week. March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb and during the second week of March we will be concentrating on the weather. It should be an exciting month. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!


We will have picture day again this year! Irvin Simon will take an individual picture and a class picture. For those families that have siblings, they also take a sibling shot. The T/TH 2s and 4s classes will be taken on Tuesday, March 19TH and the M/W 2s and 3s classes will be on Wednesday, March 20th.

We have just a few spots available for the upcoming school year. Feel free to let your friends and families know about us! 

I hope everyone has a fun and enjoyable spring break.  We will return to school, Tuesday, April 2nd.